Table of Contents
Impact Kids Daycare
Our Staff
Hours / Holidays
Chapel Time
​Birthday Celebrations
Children’s Programs
Daily Schedule
Supplies Needed
Rest Time
Lunch Plans / Food Allergies
Choking Hazards
​​Parent Involvement
Parent Communication
Holidays / Teacher Work Days / Early Release Days
Field Trips
Transportation Safety Policy
Personal Items
Registration, Tuition, and Fees
Payment / Tuition
Supply Fees
Tuition Fees
Late Pick-Up Fees
Vacation Days
Drop Off / Pick Up
Attire / Dress Code
Potty Training
Visitors to the Daycare
Preference for Enrollment
Discharge Policy
Withdrawal Policy
Permanent School Closure
Health Records
Administration of Medication
Severe Weather
Emergency Evacuation
Positive Reinforcement
Parent Consultations
Dismissal of a Child
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Impact Kids Daycare! We are so glad that you have chosen us to help provide the best loving care and learning environment for your child.
Your child will have a day full of fun and learning in a happy and safe environment! Our teachers are aware of the many opportunities throughout the day provided to help your child develop a love for God and Biblical moral values. We offer a positive atmosphere where children can form and develop good habits, learn a respect for God and our country, and become responsible and productive members of a group.
The children will have times for spiritual, social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development during the organized play times. They will experience our preschool program utilizing a quality, developmentally-appropriate curriculum where they will learn to explore, problem solve, build self-esteem, and creatively express themselves through art and music.
The following information will help familiarize you with our Child Care policies. These policies are necessary for maintaining quality in our program. Therefore, it is very important for you to read them thoroughly before registering your child.
Please do not hesitate to come to me regarding any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to working together with you to make this an amazing and Christ-centered year for you and your child!
Tina Nelson
General Information
Impact Kids Daycare is open to all children regardless of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin. We will provide for children with special needs to the best of our ability.
We accept children 6 weeks through 5 years (Pre-K).
The After School Program registers children in grades K-5.
We are a Monday through Friday facility.
Impact Kids Daycare is certified by the Florida League of Christian Schools (FLOCS #64754796). All policies, procedures and childcare ratios are followed according to these standards.
We are inspected by local and state agencies on a regular basis.
In addition, current health records and continuing education is required for all staff members.
Our Staff
Everyone on our staff is required to have the State of Florida required 45-hours of mandatory training or its equivalent. All staff will also be completing a minimum of 15 hours of early childhood education training per year. The State also requires fingerprinting and an extensive criminal and FBI background check, which is done upon employment.
Our classroom teachers have or are working toward a degree in Early Childhood Education or a Florida Childcare Professional Credential. The staff is also annually trained in infection control and procedural safeguards. You can be assured your child’s safety and education is our priority.
Hours / Holidays
We are open from 7:00am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Please have your child arrive at the Daycare prior to 8:45am.
Parents arriving later than 5:30pm will be subject to late fees.
Paid Daycare holidays (on which the Daycare will be closed) include:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Educator’s Conference (November 14-15, 2024)
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
There is no credit given on the rate due to the above listed holidays.
Impact Kids Daycare will be closed for two weeks at Christmas Break (Dec 23, 2024 - Jan 3, 2025). There will be no charge for these two weeks.
We will resume classes on Monday, Jan 6, 2025.
The After School Program will not be available any days the students are NOT in school (Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Spring Break, or Teacher Work Days).
Curriculum / Activities
Impact Kids Daycare designs a curriculum which has age-specific teaching guides for Infants, Toddlers, Two's, Three's, PreK, and VPK. It is created to engage children in developmentally appropriate activities that move them toward their potential in all areas of child development.
As Impact Kids Daycare is an integral part of Impact Church, the curriculum that will be taught is based on the Holy Bible; it is a Christian perspective.
Chapel Time
We have Chapel in the Kids’ Church sanctuary on Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. Parents are always welcome to join us for this special time. No apologies are necessary for religious education in a church-related daycare. Bible stories, songs, and prayer times are held every day in the classrooms.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are very important to preschoolers. Special attention will be given to your child on his/her special day in the classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher in advance to make arrangements for the birthday celebration at the Daycare. We ask that NO balloons or candles be brought to parties because of the safety factor. Also, NO HOMEMADE ITEMS CAN BE SERVED IN THE CLASSROOM. This is a policy of the Department of Children and Families.
Children’s Programs
Children will be promoted to the next class based on the child’s age and readiness. When a child’s birthday occurs, the child will be evaluated and placement will be determined based on the results of the evaluation and space availability in the next class.
Musical programs for parents and families will be scheduled for some holidays. You will be notified of the dates and times of the children’s programs.
Daily Schedule
7:00 – 8:45 a.m. - Classroom free time
8:45 - 9:00 a.m. - Morning snacks
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. - Circle Time / Music and movement
9:30 – 9:45 a.m. - Bible time
9:45 – 10:30 a.m. - Classroom centers (math, language arts, science…)
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. - Playground
​11:15 – 11:45 a.m. - Lunch
​12:00 – 2:00 p.m. - Rest time
2:15– 2:30 p.m. - Afternoon snacks
2:30 - 3:00 p.m. - Story Time
3:00 – 5:30 p.m. - Playground / classroom centers / free time
Schedules vary slightly according to age groups. Please check your child’s classroom for the schedule prepared for his/her class.
Supplies Needed
We ask that each child brings a blanket for covering up at naptime. Also, their kinder mats should have a pillow cover. Pillow covers and blankets will be sent home each Friday to be washed and returned on Mondays.
Please put your child’s name on everything.
All children are asked to bring certain supplies based on their age range:
Baby Room (6 wk.-12 mo.)
Disposable diapers
Baby wipes
Baby blanket
Two crib sheets
Food, prepared bottles, and/or sippy cup
Pacifiers, if needed
Two changes of clothes
Toddlers (12-24 mo.)
Disposable diapers
Baby wipes
Kinder mat and mat cover
Lunch and sippy cup
Two changes of clothes
Two's Class (20-36mo.)
Disposable diapers or pull-ups
Baby wipes
Kinder mat and mat cover
Lunch and sippy cup
Two changes of clothes
Three's Class (30-42 mo.)
Disposable diapers or pull-ups (if needed)
Baby wipes (if needed)
Kinder mat and mat cover
Lunch and spill-proof cup
Two changes of clothes
PreK 3's/4's Class (36-48 mo.)
*Children should be completely potty-trained to participate in the PreK class
Kinder mat and mat cover
Lunch and spill-proof cup
Two changes of clothes
VPK Class (42-60 mo.)
*Children should be completely potty-trained to participate in the VPK class
Kinder mat and mat cover
Lunch and spill-proof cup
Two changes of clothes
Rest Time
If a child does not wish to sleep, he/she must lie quietly on the kinder mat. The Daycare requires your child to bring a 1”-thick (or thicker) kinder mat with a pillow cover to go over it.
DCF strictly enforces the condition of kinder mats. If your child rips or punches holes in the mat, you MUST replace it immediately.
Lunch Plans / Food Allergies
Parents will be responsible for providing their child’s lunch. Lunches must include a healthy meal that does not require heating up. An ice pack must be included in the lunch box if it is necessary to keep the lunch cold.
The Daycare will provide nutritious morning and afternoon snacks. We also provide an opportunity on Fridays for your child to purchase pizza. Please send pizza money with your child on Friday mornings if he/she would like this option for lunch.
It is the parent’s responsibility to note any food allergies that your child may have on the Registration Packet.
Choking Hazards
Please be sure your child’s pockets are empty each day and do not have coins or small choking hazards in them. Children arriving at school with small toys and household items in their pockets quickly take them out, creating a choking hazard for themselves and all of our friends.
Please leave the following at home:
Chewing gum
Loose change
Small items that may get swallowed or lodged in the throat
Beads or barrettes in infant/toddler hairstyles
Toys, except on Show and Tell Day
The American Academy of Pediatrics warns the following foods are choking hazards for young children. In order to keep your child safe while in our care, please do not pack any of the following foods in your child’s lunch:
Hotdogs (you may send them only if you cut them into THIN slices, not round)
Grapes (you may send them only if you cut them in quarters)
Raw carrots (you may send them only if you cut them into THIN sticks, not round)
Cubes of cheese
Parent Involvement
We encourage and appreciate your ideas for special activities and invite you to share your own special skills and talents.
Every parent is welcome to visit in his/her child’s classroom, but please remember that the teacher’s first responsibility is to the children and that conferences should be arranged at other times.
If parents have concerns or need assistance with problems related to the Daycare, they may discuss the issue, if applicable, with the staff involved. If they are not satisfied, they may discuss their concerns with the Director. Please call in advance if possible. Parent conferences may be scheduled at any time. On occasion, the Director may schedule a conference to check the satisfaction of the parent with our daycare and program.
Social and educational events will be scheduled throughout the year to encourage interactions between families, staff, and church. We especially need your help and participation during these times whenever your schedule allows.
Parent Communication
Teachers share their personal phone numbers with parents and in return, we would ask if you would please refrain from texting late at night and on weekends unless it is an emergency.
During work hours, teachers are caring for children and often do not have their phones with them. If you need to get in touch with them right away during the day, please call the Daycare phone number. Otherwise, phone calls, texts, and emails will be returned during Rest Time.
After School Program
The Daycare will provide transportation as needed from the following schools:
Candlelight Christian Academy
Hillcrest Elementary
Janie Howard Elementary
Polk Avenue Elementary
Providence Academy
Spook Hill Elementary
We will also provide transportation as needed for field trips throughout the year. We will only transport children if we have a notarized permission slip signed by parent/guardian on file.
The standard mode of transportation for after school pick-ups and/or any given outing is a bus or van. These vehicles are owned by Impact Church and will be operated by persons who meet the regulations required to operate said vehicles. Should your child require a booster seat, the parent(s) will need to provide one for our weekly use.
Holidays/Teacher Work Days/ Early Release Days
The After School Program will not be available on days there is no school in session. If the school your child attends is closed due to a holiday, or if there is a Teacher Work Day and your child is not at school, THERE IS NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE.
If the school has an Early Release Day, the Daycare will pick up your child at the time designated by the school for Early Release.
If your child did not attend school for the day, he or she may not go on the Early Release Field Trip (when applicable).
Field Trips
There may be times periodically that children will be taken on field trips to various places of interest. Field trips are embarked on with the understanding that each trip is overseen by authorized personnel of Impact Kids Daycare and all possible precautions are taken to ensure the health and safety of the children attending.
Each outing has its own permission slip. Permission slips MUST be completed and returned to the Daycare no later than the day before the outing.
If there is a fee associated with the outing it will be stated on the permission slip.
Transportation Safety Policy
Only qualified adults that are licensed drivers will transport children. Drivers will follow all Florida laws and will not use cell phones at any time while operating the vehicle.
Children will always be restrained in proper seats and seat belts, and at no time will a vehicle exceed the recommended capacity. Children will not be left unattended.
Upon arriving from each trip, the vehicle will be inspected to ensure that no children are still on board. The Daycare has vehicle insurance that covers transportation for the children enrolled.
All vehicles will be maintained in a safe condition.
Personal Items
Please note that we will not be responsible for lost or stolen personal items, which may include: cell phones, computers, tablets, games, radios, headphones, or any other electronic toys. We will not be responsible for any materials that your child accesses on their phone, computer, or tablet while at the After School Program.
Children will have time to work on their homework. If you prefer for them NOT to do homework while here, please advise our staff.
Snacks will be provided for each child upon arrival at the Daycare in the afternoons.
Registration, Tuition, and Fees
A $125 non-refundable registration fee must be pre-paid and the following on file before a child is enrolled:
Registration Form
Medical and Immunization Form
Acknowledgment of Discipline Policy
Acknowledgment of Medicine Policy
Acknowledgment of Parent Handbook
Tuition Agreement Form
Additional children registering from the same household will require a $25.00 registration fee.
Registration for the After School Program is $50.
Payment / Tuition
Please note that tuition must be paid in full without deduction for absences, holidays, or teachers' education conferences.
Tuition is charged on a weekly basis.
Payments are due at 5:30pm on Friday of each week for the following week. Any payments made after this time are considered late.
Payments not received by 5:30pm on Friday before the following week’s care will be charged a $25 LATE FEE.
Impact Kids Daycare does allow for payment through debit or credit cards.
All checks must be made payable to Impact Kids Daycare.
After the second week of nonpayment, you will be asked to withdraw your child/children unless a special payment arrangement is made with the Director of the Daycare.
A fee of $25.00 will be required for all returned checks. If a check is returned for NSF, we will no longer accept personal checks as a form of payment.
A Tuition Agreement Form must be completed, signed, and turned in upon registration.
Please note: The Daycare reserves the right to not allow a child to return to school on Monday if payment has not been made by 5:30pm Friday.
Supply Fee
There is one annual $150 supply fee for the school year which will be collected each September. This fee does not apply to the After School Program.
Tuition Fees (per week)
Baby Room (6wk – 12mo)
Tuition $185.00
Toddlers (12mo – 24mo)
Tuition $185.00
Two's Class
Tuition $185.00
Three's Class
Tuition $175.00
PreK 3's / 4's
Tuition $165.00
VPK wrap
Tuition $155.00
After School Program
Tuition $90
*Rates include morning snacks and afternoon snacks.
Optional Lunch Fees
Pizza Fridays $2.50 / per student / per week
We must operate the Daycare on the funds provided by tuition fees. We cannot, therefore, make deductions for sickness or absences of any kind. Weeks with holidays have the same rates.
Please call the Daycare if your child will be absent or dropped off later than 8:45am. Late arrivals interrupt the class for the other children and teacher.
Late Pick-Up Fees
Impact Kids Daycare is open from 7:00am – 5:30pm.
​All children should be picked up by 5:30pm.
If a parent is late to pick up a child, there will be a fee of $10.00 for the first five minutes, and $5.00 for every additional five minutes.
Vacation Time
To ensure proper credit to each account, a vacation form must be signed prior to the time vacation is wanted. One week of vacation is allowed each school year, which begins in August.
Vacation time can only be taken on a full week basis; no vacation time can be used for a partial day or a partial week.
Vacation time may NOT be carried over from one year to the next.
A child cannot be present at school on any vacation day.
If parents choose to take their child out of the Daycare for additional weeks of vacation, they are still responsible for paying tuition for those days.
Impact Kids Daycare will be closed for two weeks at Christmas (Dec. 23, 2024 - Jan 3, 2025). There will be no charge for these two weeks. We will resume classes on Monday, Jan 6, 2025.
Drop Off / Pick Up
Upon arrival, parents must sign in their child(ren) at the desk in the lobby of the Daycare. All children must be signed out when they leave the building.
ONLY persons authorized on the Registration Form will be allowed to pick-up children.
If it becomes necessary for someone else to pick up your child, you must either text or call the Director to explain the situation. A photo ID may be required of the person you designated to pick up your child. We will not release your child to anyone without proper identification and permission.
All persons signing a child in or out must be at least sixteen years of age.
Attire / Dress Code
Each child is encouraged to wear comfortable play clothes for the current weather conditions. Messy art, creative activities, and outdoor play times are planned each day, and your child will want to participate.
We are especially safety-conscious about our children on the playground. Any clogs, baseball cleats, or boots with hard heels are not permitted. For safety purposes, shoes must be worn at all times.
Please have your daughters wear shorts under their dresses and skirts.
We suggest no expensive jewelry be worn. The Daycare will not be responsible for lost jewelry during school hours.
For the safety of all children, please refrain from sending your child to the Daycare with beads in his/her hair. If the beads become loose and fall out of the hair, they become a choking hazard.
Potty Training
We will work with you and your child during this important step. Each child is a unique individual and has his or her own pace when it comes to potty training. We all need to have patience and provide encouragement for your child. Please remember that this is a team effort. Consistency in practices at home and school are essential for your child’s success. Therefore, communication is a must. Please be sure you send pull-ups for nap-time, if necessary, and an extra set of clothing. Any soiled clothes will be returned to you in a plastic bag for laundering.
Please discuss your child’s potty training with his/her teachers before you send your child to school in training pants or underwear.
Due to the lack of changing facilities, children entering into the PreK and VPK Classes must be potty trained and able to take care of their bathroom needs.
Visitors to the Daycare
NO children visitors will be allowed in the classroom unless they are accompanying a parent to drop-off or pick-up a child.
Parents are always welcome to visit. You are asked not to enter your child’s classroom until you have checked in at the front desk.
You are welcome to come to the Daycare and eat lunch with your child, or attend Chapel time with them. We urge you to be involved in their activities while they are at the Daycare. However, we ask that you do not visit in any classroom other than your child’s room unless you are touring the facility with one of our staff members.
Preference for Enrollment
Impact Kids Daycare will enroll students based on the following preference:
Impact Church members / Iglesia Impacto members
Children presently enrolled
Siblings of children presently enrolled
Children on the waiting list
Discharge Policy
Impact Kids Daycare reserves the right to CANCEL the enrollment of a child for the following reasons:
Non-payment or excessive late payment fees.
Not observing the rules of the Daycare as outlined in the Parent Handbook.
Child has special needs which we cannot adequately meet with our current staffing patterns.
Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children by parent or child.
Withdrawal Policy
You must fill out a withdrawal slip and turn it into the office two weeks in advance of withdrawal. If this is not done, you are responsible for two weeks of tuition. Vacation days cannot be taken as advance notice of withdrawal.
Permanent School Closure
In the unlikely event the Daycare unexpectedly closes, parents will be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the last day of operation, and a copy of the child's file will be provided to the parents or legal guardian. All records will be maintained at Impact Kids Daycare for five years thereafter.
Health and Safety
Health Records
Florida law requires that the ORIGINAL Department of Health Immunization and Physical Forms must be turned into the office PRIOR to a child’s admittance. Both the immunization and physical forms may be obtained from a licensed doctor or the State Health Department.
We will send you a reminder before your child’s immunizations or physical is due to be updated. In order for your child to continue attending the Daycare, the new and updated forms must be turned in by the date specified on your reminder. If the forms are not turned in by the date specified, your child may return to the Daycare only when the updated forms are turned in.
Administration of Medication
Prescription medications will NOT be administered at the Daycare.
We WILL administer the following:
Infant/Toddler – ONLY diaper rash medicine with the parental consent form
Non-prescription fever/pain reducing medication that does not contain aspirin
Special Note: Fever/pain reducers will only be given for children who have received immunization shots on the day of the shots and the day after and if they have a fever.
Please inform your physician that your child is in full-day preschool and that you prefer to give medications at home, morning and evening. Knowing this, many doctors will order longer acting medications. Limiting medications dispensed away from home prevents medication errors. Please remember Impact Kids Daycare is designed for well children.
Please inform the teacher if your child is medicated. Antihistamines, decongestants, and antibiotics can alter a child’s behavior.
Please keep your child at home if he/she shows any of the following symptoms:
Nasal discharge that is green or yellow
Fever within the last 24 hours
Diarrhea and/ or vomiting two or more times a day
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Complaining of ear pain
Severe coughing
Evidence of head lice
When your child has a fever, please keep him/her at home an additional twenty-four hours after the temperature returns to normal. This will help to ensure that the illness has actually passed and that your child will be well enough to resume school activities.
The Daycare reserves the right to refuse to let your child return if obvious symptoms are disruptive or distressing to the other children, or if they require excessive one-on-one attention from the teaching staff.
It is extremely important that you notify the Daycare immediately if your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease. DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD TO THE DAYCARE IF HE/SHE ALREADY HAS SYMPTOMS OF AN ILLNESS.
Biting occurs for many reasons whether it is teething, a lack of the use of language, frustration (having to share or wanting certain materials), attention-getting, being overly tired, or simply just trying to get a reaction from someone. This is especially true with children that are of the Toddler age.
When a biting incident occurs, parents will be notified of any biting situations. Due to confidentiality purposes, the Daycare may not disclose any of the involved children’s names.
If the biting continues and has now added undue stress to the children, the Daycare reserves the right to dismiss the child from the program. This decision is solely based on the discretion of the Director.
Utmost precautions are taken to prevent accidents. First Aid is administered to all minor injuries. Parents are notified of accidents, and an accident report is written and placed in the child’s file.
Impact Kids Daycare is a smoke-free campus. In addition, there will be no consumption of alcohol or usage of illegal drugs at any time in the building or on the grounds.
Severe Weather
Impact Kids Daycare follows the Lake Wales Charter School Board severe weather report. If Lake Wales Charter Schools are closed during severe weather, we will be closed as well.
There will be direct communication with each parent in the event of a hurricane as to the operation of the Daycare.
Emergency Evacuation
In the event of an emergency, the Daycare will evacuate or shelter-in-place as necessary. If there is an evacuation on the premises, teachers will immediately begin contacting the parent(s). If they are unable to reach the parent(s), the teachers will begin calling emergency contacts as specified on enrollment forms.
Positive Reinforcement
Proverbs 22:6 – “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” (NLT)
Children in our care must be treated with love and respect. We have a positive discipline policy that uses redirection to encourage children to make better choices and reinforces through praise and encouragement. We understand children must be involved in activities throughout the entire day to prevent boredom or idle time, which may lead to disruptive behavior.
At the daycare, children will learn how to express their feelings without using aggressive behavior. The staff will guide the children to develop self-control and orderly conduct in their relationships with classmates and adults.
Tell the child what behavior is desired and show him/her if necessary. This will be done in a quiet, gentle way, encouraging the child to use acceptable behavior.
Give the child choices. If he/she is disruptive, we will give him/her a choice between acceptable behavior or be removed from the current activity.
Reposition the child near the teacher away from the distraction.
Provide the child the opportunity to have quiet time in a designated area.
Request a parent conference if the unacceptable behavior continues.
Inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child’s body.
Hit, spank, shake, pinch, or use any measure that produces physical discomfort.
Use cruel, harsh, unusual, humiliating, or frightening methods of discipline including threatening use of physical punishment.
Place a child in a locked or dark room.
Humiliate the child with public or private abusive or profane language.
Associate disciplinary action or rewards with rest.
Associate disciplinary action or rewards with food.
Associate disciplinary action or humiliate a child in regard to toileting.
Use time-out for any purpose other than to enable the child to regain control.
Parent Consultations
Children displaying challenging behavior which has been determined to be upsetting to the physical or emotional well-being of another child may require the following actions:
(1) The Director may require the parent(s) to meet for a conference. Each incident is documented and reviewed by the Director to assess the adequacy of caregiver supervision and appropriateness of response. During this conference, a plan of action will be designed to help alleviate the behavior.
(2) If the initial plan for helping the child fails, the parent(s) will again be required to meet with the Director. Another attempt will be made to identify the problem, outline new approaches to the problem, and discuss consequences if progress is not apparent.
A parent may be called from work at any time the child exhibits uncontrollable behavior that cannot be modified by the childcare staff. The parent may be asked to take the child home immediately.
Dismissal of a Child
After the previous attempts have been followed and no progress has been made towards solving the problem, the child may be dismissed from childcare indefinitely.
The Daycare reserves the right to dismiss a child if he/she appears unable to participate in group experiences, has behavioral problems that are disruptive to the classroom, or has difficulty recognizing authority.
The Daycare also reserves this right if the parents involve the school in domestic or custody disputes.
Most importantly, the Daycare reserves the right to dismiss a child if there is any verbal or physical abuse by a parent to a staff member or another child at any time for any reason. This will result in immediate dismissal of a child without notice and without a refund of paid tuition. Dismissal of a child is at the sole discretion of the Director or Impact Kids Daycare Board.
If there is a problem that you do not feel can be worked out in a calm, controlled manner with our staff, you may request a meeting with our Director. The Director will work with you and the appropriate staff members to resolve the problem.